News — Model T trailer
What have our friends been up to?
Contech Trailers serve various purposes for their owners but the most common response we hear is they are a necessity when satisfying the need for adventure. That adventure can be the open road with an endless destination, camping, dance competitions, car shows, and countless others. We share that sense of adventure and this year we have seen some great places across the United States from Yellowstone to Texas it has been an adventurous summer. My wife and I have logged a combined 15,000 miles on our motorcycles this year. One of our associates snapped a picture of a Freedom 60 in...
Contech Trailers at 15th Annual Hogs N' Hot Rods in Collinsville

We had a great time this year at Hogs N' Hot Rods in Collinsville. They had some amazing bikes and hot rods. We had our tow behind motorcycle trailers on display and we made some new friends in the Oklahoma heat. We have some other shows coming up this summer and look forward to seeing our old friends and making new ones along the way.
32 Ford Sedan Delivery at work again.

Most of you know by now that we are bike fanatics but the truth is, our love of engines and wheels goes much deeper than two wheels. The picture above is a beautiful example of a 32 Ford Sedan Delivery that belongs to a recent customer of ours. You probably don't need a history lesson but just in case... Before cargo vans existed sedan deliveries were used by businesses ranging from plumbers, couriers and local merchants such as bakeries to deliver products to customers.This car may not be delivering goods and services anymore but it was built to haul cargo...